Embodied Critical Thinking (ECT) – Kick Off Wednesday June 20 to Thursday June 21, 2018

Wednesday, June 20th

9.00 Introducing the project:
Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir: Philosophy oft he Body, Critical Thinking and ECT
Björn Thorsteinson: Phenomenology, embodiment, quantum physics and ECT
Donata Schoeller: Experiential Process Philosophy and ECT

10.30 Break

10.45 Introducing us to each other, part I
Principal investigators, partners, doctoral students, engaged teachers, involved guests:
• From where (discipline, area, experience) do I approach ECT
• Motivations, hopes, aims, challenges

12.45 Lunch

13.30 Configuring ECT Workshops
• Short intro of Donata’s experiences so far
• Jam session with all participants

14.40 Break – Coffee

15.00 Public lecture Claire Petitmengin: Introduction to Micro-Phenomenology
Lecture and Discussion

16.35 Break- Fruits/Drinks

16.45 Jam session on assessment
• how can we work together with the Interacting Minds Center and the Micro-Phenomenology Laboratory
• open questions: do we record/transcribe all process/team/assesing team etc.
• do we include brain-imaging? (difference of brain-activity with and without felt sense)

Thursday, June 21st

9.00 Thinking-at-the-Edge, first steps
• Practicing together

11.45 Break

12.00 Claire: Demonstration of Micro-Phenomenological Interview
• with one of us on TAE – experience

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Jam session Handbook:
• Fine tuning configuration of workshops
• Fine tuning assessment of workshops
• What do we want the handbook to look like?

15.30 Break

15.45 Jam session Monograph
• Approaches, Perspectives, Participants
• What do we want monograph to look like?

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